
Port of TripleBronze to JvL


Triples the amount of bronze you get with each craft so that crafting bronze is consistent (1 tin ingot + 2 copper ingots = 3 bronze ingots) Place .dll file in to Valheim/BepinEx/plugins/ folder. Requires BepinEx.

There is a configuration file to change the multiplier of bronze. After the first run, this file will be automatically created at "BepinEx/config/LolmanXDXD.TripleBronze.cfg"

In the configuration file, you can also enable the "QuickSmelt" patch which add QOL recipes from ores -> bars into the forge after upgrading the tier. This has configurable coal amounts. This might need you to drop/pickup coal ore, tin ore, wood, and iron ore.

Add to server to enforce configs.


Point of View Server w/ Mod Server w/o Mod Client (PC) w/ mod Client (PC/Console) w/o mod
Client (PC) w/ mod
Client (PC/Console) w/o mod
Server w/ Mod
Server w/o Mod


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