Adds 33 fantasy themed Weapons and 9 Shields.Description
Adds 33 fantasy themed Weapons and 9 Shields.
Item Information
One Hander
Base: 30-31
Per Level: 14-15
Damage Types: A Mix of Physical and Elemental
Recipe Materials: Bronze (10), Deer Hide (2) and Wood (2)
Upgrade Materials: Bronze (3), Wood (3), Deer Hide (1) and Iron (5) per level
Max Level: 10
Two Hander
Base: 32-36
Per Level: 16-18
Damage Types: A Mix of Physical and Elemental
Recipe Materials: Bronze (10), Deer Hide (2) and Wood (2)
Upgrade Materials: Bronze (3), Wood (3), Deer Hide (1) and Iron (5) per level
Max Level: 10
Block Power: 21
Block Power per Level: 21
Deflection Force: 30
Deflection Force per Level: 30
Timed Block Bonus: 1.75
Recipe Materials: Bronze (10), Deer Hide (2) and Wood (2)
Upgrade Materials: Bronze (3), Wood (1), Deer Hide (1) and Iron (5) per level
Max Level: 10
Prefab ID's
Axe_1H_03_FA , Roughcut Axe_1H_04_FA , Frozen Justice Axe_1H_05_FA , Ashes Axe_1H_06_FA , The Harvester Axe_1H_07_FA , Dryad Bane Sword_1H_01_FA , Fortune's Edge Sword_1H_02_FA , Soul Piercer Sword_1H_03_FA , The Spellblade Sword_1H_04_FA , Divine Light Sword_1H_05_FA , Ravenblade Sword_2H_04_FA , Crystal Edge Sword_2H_05_FA , Silverwing Sword_2H_06_FA , The Betrayer Scythe2H_01_FA , Pestilence Staff_2H_01_FA , Arm of the Ent Staff_2H_02_FA , Greydwarf's Bane Staff_2H_03_FA , Talon Staff_2H_04_FA , Dirty Pike Staff_2H_05_FA , The Martyr Axe_1H_01_FA , The Blood Spiller Axe_1H_02_FA , Moonsong Axe2H_02_FA , Vengeance Axe2H_03_FA , Scourgeborne Axe2H_04_FA , Demonbite Axe2H_05_FA , Spirit Sapling Axe2H_06_FA , Ghoulblade, The Defiler Axe2H_01_FA , Dire Axe Hammer_2H_01_FA , Rocksmasher Hammer_2H_02_FA , The Willbreaker Hammer_2H_03_FA , Shockpiercer Sword_2H_01_FA , Frostsoul Sword_2H_02_FA , The Unclean Sword_2H_03_FA , Torment Shield_09_FA , Pride Shield_08_FA , Rambore's Likeness Shield_07_FA , Cryptkeeper Shield_06_FA , Righteous Indignation Shield_05_FA , Entwood Shield Shield_04_FA , The Watchful Eye Shield_03_FA , Devil's Screech Shield_02_FA , Skull, The Unbreaking Shield_01_FA , Talgane's Tear Shield_03_FA , Devil's Screech Shield_02_FA , Skull, The Unbreaking Shield_09_FA , Pride Shield_08_FA , Rambore's Likeness Shield_05_FA , Entwood Shield Shield_01_FA , Talgane's Tear Shield_07_FA , Cryptkeeper Shield_04_FA , The Watchful Eye Shield_06_FA , Righteous Indignation
Furnace_FA Firepit_FA Press_FA Trough_FA
Jack Ravenwood (OdinPlus discord) for all the item Descriptions.
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