Standalone mod to display creature health. Change the colors and the text format in the config file or through the Configuration Manager.Health Display
Shows the HP values and percentage of creatures and bosses.
- Note: The "health" isn't accurate to damage numbers due to how the game scales player damage. The health is just a baseline of how strong the creature might be, and it's recommended to use percent values.
Client and Server Side
- Optionally install this on server for version check and ServerSync
Compatible Mods
- This mod is compatible with Creature Level and Loot Control
- This mod is compatible with WackyEpicMMOSystem
- This mod is compatible with Groups
Customized HealthBar
- All configuration is made within the Azumatt.HealthDisplay.cfg and is live. Highly recommend using Official BepInEx ConfigurationManager
- Change scale of enemy/tamed bar
- Change color of enemy bar/tamed bar
- Change color of percentage [Max, Mid, Low, Critical]
Configuration Options (Click to expand)
How they look in Official BepInEx ConfigurationManager
1 - General
Lock Configuration [Synced with Server]
- If on, the configuration is locked and can be changed by server admins only.
- Default Value: On
Health String Format [Synced with Server]
- Creature health format
- '{0}' is current health value
- '{1}' is total health value
- '{2}' is health percentage value
- Default Value: {0}/{1} (<color>{2}%</color>)
2 - Colors
Tamed HB Color [Synced with Server]
- Color of the health bar for tamed creatures. This is the bar that is on top.
- Default Value: 339E66FF
Player HB Color [Synced with Server]
- Color of the health bar for players and creatures in the player faction. This is the bar that is the top bar.
- Default Value: 339E66FF
Enemy HB Color [Synced with Server]
- Color of the health bar for enemy creatures. This is the bar that is the top bar.
- Default Value: CC3333FF
High Percent Color [Synced with Server]
- Color of the health bar's percentage text for creatures with high health percentage. 75% or higher.
- Default Value: 339E66FF
Hurt Percent Color [Synced with Server]
- Color of the health bar's percentage text for creatures with relatively high health percentage. 50% or higher.
- Default Value: CCCC33FF
Low Percent Color [Synced with Server]
- Color of the health bar's percentage text for creatures with low health percentage. 25% or higher.
- Default Value: CC6633FF
Critical Percent Color [Synced with Server]
- Color of the health bar's percentage text for creatures with critical health percentage. 0% or higher.
- Default Value: CC3333FF
3 - Scaling
Tamed Healthbar Scale [Synced with Server]
- Scale of the health bar for tamed creatures.
- Default Value: {"x":1.0,"y":1.0,"z":1.0}
Enemy Healthbar Scale [Synced with Server]
- Scale of the health bar for creatures.
- Default Value: {"x":1.0,"y":1.0,"z":1.0}
Made at my request ("@Majestic"), all credit and creation of this mod goes to @Azumatt!
For Questions or Comments, find us in the Odin Plus Team Discord or mine: