Diving mod that lets you go down using crouch and up using jump.UnderTheSea
Diving mod that lets you go up using whatever key you have bound to crouch and up using your jump key.
For managing configuration setting you can use an in-game configuration manager or change configs by editing the config file on disk as this mod has a built in file watcher.
- Configure underwater appearance.
- Hold crouch to dive deeper.
- Hold jump to swim upwards.
- Hold the run key while swimming to slowly accelerate.
- Configurable stamina while resting on the surface of the water.
- Configure stamina drain when resting underwater.
My mods will always be free to use but if you feel like saying thanks you can tip/donate.
My Ko-fi: |
Source Code
Source code is available on Github.
Github Repository: |
If you would like to provide suggestions, make feature requests, or reports bugs and compatibility issues you can either open an issue on the Github repository or tag me (@searica) with a message on my discord Searica's Mods.
Inspired by BetterDiving mod.
Shameless Self Plug (Other Mods By Me)
If you like this mod you might like some of my other ones.
Building Mods
Gameplay Mods
- CameraTweaks
- DodgeShortcut
- DiscoveryPins
- ExplorersVision
- FortifySkillsRedux
- ProjectileTweaks
- SkilledCarryWeight
- SafetyStatus
- ShowMeTheGoods
- WatchWhereYouStab