
Spawn Protection:

  • In Vanilla a workbench can suppress spawns in your base. Not anymore! Think about that...
  • Instead, fire prevents spawns, keep the torches lit! ZenSign can help you quickly and easily locate fuel.
  • Most pieces that produce fire keeps monsters from spawning, but only if lit. This gives a reason to gamify torch fueling. ZenHoverItem will show you how many game days of fuel is left on a fireplace.
  • Your spawn point bed protects against spawns, but only your spawn point bed.


  • Set the conditions for raids per biome. By default, no raids allowed in the meadows.

Improve Your Experience


The full collection of all Zen MODS:

  • Radically improved QoL
  • Incredible performance
  • Pre-configured
  • 100% Gamepad support
  • Spectacularly immersive


Sample Config File

## Settings file was created by plugin ZenRaids v0.2.0
## Plugin GUID: ZenDragon.ZenRaids


## [Admin] No Raids allowed in these biomes
# Setting type: Biome
# Default value: Meadows
# Acceptable values: None, Meadows, Swamp, Mountain, BlackForest, Plains, AshLands, DeepNorth, Ocean, Mistlands, All
# Multiple values can be set at the same time by separating them with , (e.g. Debug, Warning)
No Raid Biomes = Meadows

## [Admin] These raids are allowed even in NoRaidBiomes
# Setting type: StringList
# Default value: army_eikthyr
No Raid Biomes Exeption Raids = army_eikthyr

## [Admin] These raids have their disable condition removed so they are always in rotation to be triggered
# Setting type: StringList
# Default value: 
Never Disable Raids = 

[Spawn Protection]

## [Admin] Remove Crafting Stations ability to prevent monsters from spawning near them.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
Exclude Crafting Stations = true

## [Admin] Remove Wards ability to prevent monsters from spawning near them.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
Exclude Wards = true

## [Admin] Modify Map Tables to act as spawn suppression pieces
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
Include Map Tables = false

## [Admin] Lights / Fireplaces must be on for spawn protection.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
Fire Must Be Lit = true

## [Admin] Smelters / Blast Furnaces / Eitr Refineries / Kilns / etc. Must be on for spawn protection.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
Machine Must Be Active = true

## [Admin] The bed must be the current spawn point to provide spawn protection
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
Bed Must Be Spawn Point = true

## [Admin] Number of PlayerBase pieces the player needs to be near to trigger raids.
## When removing spawn protection from Crafting Stations it reduces the number of pieces that
## can trigger raids. Therefor in order to keep raids engaging you can lower the number of pieces you need
## to be near.  Higher numbers would reduce the odds of triggering a raid because you are less
## likely to be near so many.  However, Keep in mind that a lit light source counts as a PlayerBase.
## Vanilla = 3
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 3
PlayerBase Raid Threshold = 3

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