
Some helping monks. A quest, locations, building pieces, armor, beer and much more to discover.", This mod brings in some elements of christianity as a complement to the vikings.


  • Quest: Find the 10 commandments
  • Locations: chapels, churches, quest locations
  • Monk armor set (Plains light armor) with some eitr regen and unarmed damage += unarmed skill
  • NPC monk (non-fighting) to get a blessing
  • configurable blessing (no skill drain, no damage from falling)
  • tin bell to build
  • monks will bring item drops to corresponding chests
  • monks will ring the bell in case of nearby enemies
  • monks will help you breeding (after you did get the blessing once from that monk): if there are tamed hungry creatures nearby, they will pick consumables for your tames (e.g. mushrooms for boars)
  • give them a hammer and they will do some repairs for you (after you did get the blessing once from that monk)
  • give them a torch and they shall bring some light into your realm
  • give them a lantern and they will light their spot
  • give them a butchers knife and they will manage your animal population
  • small cross which is dropped by the monks
  • wayside cross and standing cross to build with the crosses
  • melt the crosses to get coins and if you are lucky some gem
  • craft crosses at the altar crafting station
  • get some comfort with the altar piece
  • all texts are configurable (localizable)
  • a cross (unarmed weapon) that let tamed monks without items in hand (except Torch) follow you (also through portals)
  • hops plant
  • brew beer

Server-side configuration

  • blessing type ( skill drain; damage from falling)
  • blessing costs
  • blessing duration
  • unarmed damage modifier for monk armor set
  • unarmed push back modifier for monk armor set
  • additional blessing configuration
  • force show corpse
  • amount of locations to spawn (wayside cross, Meadows chapel, Black Forest chapel, Mountain church, Mistland church)
  • location min and max creature level
  • knowledge radius of the chapel monks (for the quest)

Client-side configuration

  • allow picking for creatures
  • allow base cleaning
  • allow repair + different options
  • bell sound radius
  • radius the monks are looking for hungry tamed creatues and pickables
  • radius the monk will look for structures to be repaired
  • max repair distance the monks may be away from the structures
  • health percentage threshold for structures to be considered for repairing
  • radius the monks will look out for wayside crosses
  • radius the monks will look for animals to slaughter
  • number of minimum animals to be preserved from slaughter (additional configuration per creature possible)
  • show corpse of jesus on standing cross
  • radius the monks are looking for a shepherd
  • distance the monks follow the shepherd

Building pieces

  • kind of wayside cross
  • ringable tinn bell
  • standing cross
  • mountable Jesus for custom crosses (if ShowCorpse set to true)
  • altar crafting station (craft crosses)
  • altar piece of Ghent
  • 10 different commandments


  • BepInEx
  • Jötunn, the Valheim Library
  • MonkArmor
  • Brew
  • Bell
  • ColoredCrystalGlass

Manual Installation

  • extract the content of the plugins directory into your BepInEx/plugins directory (you may create a new folder within the plugins directory)
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