All wood constructions and vegetation become burnable. Also contains eternal fire weapons, waterbombs, lightning events and locations. Highly configurable! Offers a playable fire spreads version for early game biomes. Compatible with Krumpac!FireSpreads
Makes all wood constructions and vegetation burnable! In contrast to the vanilla Fire Hazards this mod offers a playable and more realistic alternative for early game biomes. All visuals are FPS gated; set your desired minimum FPS in the config. Made for dedicated servers. Contains late game eternal fire weapons, a waterbomb, lightning events and locations. Highly configurable!
Upgrading from previous versions
If you are updating from a version prior 3.1.0 or adding this mod to an existing world, the locations won't be there as they are generated at world generation.
You can use the Upgrade World mod to generate the locations using the following console commands:
locations_add locFarmMeadows locations_add locTrollBurnLog locations_add locSwampShipBurn locations_add locPlainsBurn locations_add locMountainCultists locations_add locAshlandsShip start
Installation (manual)
- extract the content of the plugins directory into your BepInEx/plugins directory (you may create a new folder within the plugins directory)
- every wood piece becomes burnable
- vegetation becomes burnable (not ignitable with normal weapons, vegetation always drops coal)
- dynamic quality control to reach target fps
- highly configurable - see mod page for more information
- fire may spread from fireplaces
- eternal fire weapons
- rain may extinguish fire
- water (waves) may extinguish fire
- waterbomb to extinguish fires or just soak others
- ligthning events
- fire locations
- compatible with Krumpac mods
FPS Drops?
If you feel your fps drop even when nothing is burning, review the following configuration: TargetFPS, NoSparks, EnvironmentalEffects, DungeonHandling, LocationHandling
Client Configuration
- TargetFPS (Performance): fire quality will be reducued to reach at least target FPS (+-5)
- ClutterDistance: by default clutter is only generated up to a distance of 45m. You can see the grass appear and disappear when you move. Increasing the clutter render distance may cause FPS drops.
- VisualDebug: visualize where the fire is going to spread to; for debugging only. Changing parameter during runtime will case artifacts
- NoSparks (Performance): Disable for lower spec rigs. Can have huge performance impact on lower spec rigs.
Server Configuration
- FejdStartupFire: fire on menu/startup screen
- AdoptVanillaFire: adopts the vanilla fire to better fit with this mod (disabling is not adviced)
- KeepAshlandFireVanilla: ashland fire stays vanilla to get the original experience in ashlands
- WntBurnable: building pieces become burnable
- WntSpawnVanillaFire: destroyed burning pieces spawn a fireball (vanilla fire with reduced damaged) on the ground
- VegegationSpawnVanillaFire: destroyed burning vegetation spawn a fireball (vanilla fire with reduced damaged) on the ground
- VegetationBurnable: vegetation becomes burnable
- FireSpreads: should fire spread to connected pieces
- MaxFireHealth: amount of fire damage the piece may consume before starting to burn
- FireDamage: amount of fire damage per second
- FireDamageCausesBurning: otherwise only eternal fire weapons cause burning
- LightningDamageCausesBurning: otherwise only eternal fire weapons cause burning
- FireSpreadDamage: amount of fire spread damage against MaxFireHealth per second
- AdditionalBurnablesConfig: comma separated list of burnable prefab names (restart needed)
- ConnectedNonBurnableDamage: burning pieces apply this amount of damage per second to connected non burning pieces
- ReducedWetFactor: percentage fire damage is reduced to when wet (rain or snow)
- IncreasedWindFactor: faster spreading under windy conditions
- BurningPiecesDropCoal: what shall be spawned once a burning piece is destroyed? Setting to a "burning" variant drops the resources ablaze with a destruction timer.
- BurningContainersDropCoal: what shall be spawned once a burning container, like chests, is destroyed? Setting to a "burning" variant drops the resources ablaze with a destruction timer.
- BurningVegetationDropCoal: what shall be spawned once a burning vegetation is destroyed? Setting to materials is not recommended as it may break progression. Setting to a "burning" variant drops the resources ablaze with a destruction timer.
- StopBurningHealthPercentage: stop burning if health is below this percentage (0-1)
- SpreadFromFireplaces: if true, fire may spread from fireplaces
- SpreadFromFireplacesVanilla: disable the vanilla fire spread from fireplaces logic (for Ashlands and fire hazard world modifier - restart needed)
- UpwardSpreadMultiplier: increased fire spread upwards
- EternalFlameWeaponsCraftable: shall the eternal fire weapons be craftable
- WaterBombCraftable: should the waterbomb be craftable?
- CraftableWaterBombRadiusConfig: extinguishing radius of the water bomb (needs restart)
- MaxBurningPieces: limit the number of burning pieces per scene
- CalculationBatchSize: internal parameter; how many pieces to process per frame
- FireSpreadDistance: distance to other pieces the fire may spread to
- RainExtinguishesProbability: probability rainy weather extinguish fire (per piece per state update)
- RainExtinguishesCovered: probability rain extinguishes fire on pieces under cover
- TintClutter: should the clutter be tinted (black grass)
- TreeFireDamageModifier: in vanilla trees and logs are immune to fire damage. you can change that if you want fire weapons to ignite trees and logs. NOT RECOMMENDED TO CHANGE, THIS MAY BREAK PROGRESSION!!!! (restart needed)
- TreeBurnRadius: factor for the distance player starts to burn near trees (needs restart)
- EventImmediateFire: fire/ligthning hit damage immediately ignites fire during these events
- EnvironmentalEffects (Performance): Add environmental effects. Disable if you feel fps drops.
- NonBurnablePrefabs: names of prefabs that should not be burnable (comma separated list)
- NonBurnableLocations: comma separated list of locations where fire should not spread from contained fire places (like MoreWorldTraders)
- EventThunderstruckBiome: Event ThunderStruck biomes
- EventThunderstruckDuration: Event ThunderStruck duration in sec
- EventThunderstruckReqGlobKey: Event ThunderStruck required GlobKeys (, separated)
- EventThunderstruckNotReqGlobKey: Event ThunderStruck not required GlobKeys (, separated)
- EventThunderstruckSpawnInterval: Event ThunderStruck lightning interval in sec
- EventThunderstruckMinSpawnRadius: Event ThunderStruck lightning min spawn radius
- EventThunderstruckMaxSpawnRadius: Event ThunderStruck lightning max spawn radius
- EventThundersnowBiome: Event ThunderSnow biomes
- EventThundersnowDuration: Event ThunderSnow duration in sec
- EventThundersnowReqGlobKey: Event ThunderSnow required GlobKeys (, separated)
- EventThundersnowNotReqGlobKey: Event ThunderSnow not required GlobKeys (, separated)
- EventThundersnowSpawnInterval: Event ThunderSnow lightning interval in sec
- EventThundersnowMinSpawnRadius: Event ThunderSnow lightning min spawn radius
- EventThundersnowMaxSpawnRadius: Event ThunderSnow lightning max spawn radius
- EventThunderstormdryBiome: Event ThunderStormDry biomes
- EventThunderstormdryDuration: Event ThunderStormDry duration in sec
- EventThunderstormdryReqGlobKey: Event ThunderStormDry required GlobKeys (, separated)
- EventThunderstormdryNotReqGlobKey: Event ThunderStormDry not required GlobKeys (, separated)
- EventThunderstormdrySpawnInterval: Event ThunderStormDry lightning interval in sec
- EventThunderstormdryMinSpawnRadius: Event ThunderStormDry lightning min spawn radius
- EventThunderstormdryMaxSpawnRadius: Event ThunderStormDry lightning max spawn radius
- LocationHandling (Performance): Since patch 0.217.46 locations need to be loaded to add fire. Preloading locations will add 20-60 seconds to session startup time. Otherwise fire will be added to locations at runtime, this may cause jitter when moving between zones. If disabled, locations will not be burnable after initial placement, but after reentering the zone. Can have impact on performance.
- DungeonHandling (Performance): Since patch 0.217.46 dungeons need to be loaded to add fire. Can have impact on performance!
- LocationFarmMeadowsAmount: How many burning meadows farms to generate during world generation.
- LocationTrollBurnLogAmount: How many Trolls with a burning log to generate during world generation.
- LocationSwampShipBurnAmount: How many karves with greylings to generate during world generation in the swamps.
- LocationPlainsBurnAmount: How many burning Plains fields to generate during world generation.
- LocationMountainCultistsAmount: How many cultist locations to generate during world generation in the Mountains.
- LocationAshlandsShipAmount: How many burning ships to generate during world generation in Ashlands.
- BepInEx
- Jotunn, the Valheim Library
Want to contribute?
- Join my discord and be part of mod discussions:
- Donations are used to buy assets: