# Herbalist

A skill mod that makes dandelion and thistle useful early game, adds a new craftingstation, 3 healing tonics, 6 recovery tonics, 17 new pickable plants and 8 new elixirs.

## Installation (manual)

  • extract Herbalist.dll file to your BepInEx\Plugins\ folder.

## Features

  • Adds a new skill called Herbalist that you can level up by collecting/harvesting/picking up dandelions and thistles and other new pickable plants.
  • You can also level it up by crafting tonics and elixirs at the mortar and pestle.
  • Makes dandelions and thistle into a herbal medicine that can heal you overtime.
  • Adds 3 new healing tonics called MinorHealingTonic, MediumHealingTonic, and LargeHealingTonic that can heal you overtime.
  • Adds 6 new recovery tonics called MinorStaminaTonic, MediumStaminaTonic, LargeStaminaTonic, MinorEitrTonic, MediumEitrTonic, and LargeEitrTonic that can help you recover overtime.
  • Adds a new pickable plant called Chicory which spawns only at swamps, it can remove poison status effect and gives poison resist for a short amount of time.
  • Adds a new pickable plant called Daisy which spawns only at the mountains, it can remove freezing status effect and gives freezing resist for a short amount of time.
  • Adds 15 new pickable plants that will spawn to other biomes excluding ashlands and deepnorth.
  • Reduces potions cooldown and increases potions duration base on herbalist skill level. (Supports PotionPlus mod)
  • Configurable base heal amount, duration, and intervals for dandelion and thistle.
  • Configurable heal bonus factor and duration bonus factor for thistle and dandelion.
  • Configurable base heal amount, duration and intervals for all tonics.
  • Configurable level requirements for crafting tonics
  • Configurable exp gain factor for herbalist skill.
  • Heal overtime of dandelion and thistle is scaled by herbalist skill level.
  • Uses ServerSync and built-in ConfigWatcher.
  • Configurable through config file or Configuration Manager
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