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1-20 of 40 results
Adds loot drops, magic items, and enchanting to Valheim.
Adds a risk / reward socket system to Valheim.
Adds a skill that increases the durability of armor and weapons and other perks for blacksmithing.
Adds a skill that increases health, stamina, eitr and HP regeneration for cooked food.
Pacote de mods para jogar no servidor Asgard Brasil.
Modpack for dedicated server
This is a description for a mod. 250 characters max
for joining the stream world
Testing Modpack for the boys
EpicLoot auf Deutsch
Come experience the Mistlands with us! Download the modpack, use fastlink and make new character!
Modpack for Ur Mums Valheim Server
jaeyun's valheim mode
A modpack for testing.
Modpack for me and my friends to play mp with
Mod pack for Pandas House of Pain - Valheim server.
Modpack for my server
For Pandas server
ur just gomna have to download this, mkay?