# VikingsDoSwim

A simple mod that lets you configure Max Swim Speed at max swim skill level. Scales your swim speed, stamina regen and stamina consumption to your swim skill level. Adds a new diving mechanic that lets you swim underwater.

## Installation (manual)

  • extract VikingsDoSwim.dll file to your BepInEx\Plugins folder.

## Features

  • Configurable exp multiplier for swim skill.
  • Idle stamina regen base on swim skill.
  • Swim speed scaled by swim level.
  • Configurable Max Swim Speed at Max Skill Level.
  • Diving mechanic that lets you swim underwater.
  • Uses ServerSync to sync configs from servers to clients.
  • Uses built in config watcher.
  • Joystick compatible tested with an xbox360 controller.
  • Configurable underwater brightness.
  • Configurable underwater fog density.
  • Configurable swim stamina drain min/max skill.
  • Configurable through config file or configuration manager

How To Dive? (click to expand)
  • While swimming in the water press crouch/sneak key ( left control ) together with forward direction key ( W ) then use mouse to navigate to the direction you want to go.
  • ( W + Left Control ) + Mouse.
  • While holding W + Left Control you can dive down or up using mouse to navigate.
  • If you release Left Control you can swim normally using direction keys ( W A S D ) but you can't dive down or up.
  • Diving also uses your stamina so better prepare foods with lots of stamina or stamina potion.
  • If you run out of stamina while underwater you'll take damage normally until your hp goes down and you'll die.
  • If you run out of stamina or you just want to go back up quickly you can press jump key ( Space ).
  • While idle in the water your stamina will naturally regen.

## Recommended Mod:

  • If you want to use your equipment underwater or while in the water, use my WieldEquipmentWhileSwimming mod.. It supports all kinds of equipments vanilla or modded.
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