Mod adds 2 crafting tables + a set of build pieces that is resistant to water and rain, Fishtrap for more fun fishing experience + a bunch of sailor themed items

This is a bugfixed old version that still has no configs.

WARRNING - UPDATED 1.3.0 BRINGS A LOT OF CHANGES empty your ship inventory if possible or you may lose items
WARRNING - UPDATED 1.4.0 BRINGS A LOT OF CHANGES empty your ship inventory if possible or you may lose items


This mod may require any type of Build Menu extension due to amount of new build pieces. THere are multiple different ones you can use starting with BuildExtension and other similar mods

First crafting table is Scribes table - you craft there a Schematic that tells you what will be added to what ship.

Second Crafting station is a custom one - Shipyard "table" has a special container where you need to put in Schematic you crafted on Scribe's table.
Then pull the lever on the other side of the table. The ship needs to be as close to Shipyard crafting table as possible . if there is more then 1 ship in range of same type the first detected will be upgrade.

If ship already contains an upgrade table will try to find next ship in range to upgrade. If you have trouble - best practice take all ships away from shipyard station and dock near it only the ship you want to upgrade.

Extensions are only for KARVE and Longship that is now renamed to DRAKKAR + 2 new ships KNARR and HOLK

Important changes:

  • ships and new build pieces now need coal paste instead of resin made on Workbench level 3 mixing resin with coal
  • Drakkar and Karve recipe changed !
  • Base inventory size on all ships changed
  • Inventory added to Raft

RAFT extensions:

Bag - Its always active by default no need to upgrade it, adds a Chest with 2 slots

KARVE extensions:

Shields - increase ship health by 200
Lamp - adds a lamp with light and warm effect
Bagpack - increase blunt resistance + 100 health
Oars - increase ships speed based on amount of players
Anchor - adds an interactive element that let you drop the anchor and stop the ship in place
Armor - increase resistance against Pierce damage + 100 health
Nameplate - add nameplate and ownerhsip information for the ship

Aditional change:

  • Added an attach point on front of the ship (same as on Long ship)
  • Cargo size set to 6 cslots

KNARR extensions:

Shields - increase ship health by 200
Lamp - adds a lamp with light and warm effect
Bagpack - increase blunt resistance + 100 health
Oars - increase ships speed based on amount of players
Anchor - adds an interactive element that let you drop the anchor and stop the ship in place
Tent - increase ship health by 100
Armor - increase resistance against Pierce damage + 100 health
Nameplate - add nameplate and ownerhsip information for the ship

Aditional change:

  • Added an attach point on front of the ship (same as on Long ship)
  • Cargo size set to 12 cslots

Longship extensions:

Shields - increase ship health by 200
Lamp - adds a lamp + torches with light and warm effect
Barrels- increase blunt resistance + 100 health
Crates - increase slash resistance + 100 health
Oars - increase ships speed based on amount of players
Anchor - adds an interactive element that let you drop the anchor and stop the ship in place
Tent - increase ship health by 200 and adds shelter buff while under it
Armor - increase resistance against Pierce damage + 200 health
Nameplate - add nameplate and ownerhsip information for the ship

Aditional change:

  • Cargo size set to 24 cslots
  • You can also change ship head decoration to 3 other options

HOLK extensions:

Shields - increase ship health by 200
Lamp - adds a lamp + torches with light and warm effect and demister like wisps
Crates - increase blunt resistance + 200 health
Oars - increase ships speed based on amount of players
Anchor - adds an interactive element that let you drop the anchor and stop the ship in place
Tent - increase ship health by 200 and adds shelter buff while under it
Armor - increase resistance against Pierce damage + 200 health
Ropes - adds aditional rope ladders on side of the ship
Nameplate - add nameplate and ownerhsip information for the ship

Aditional change:

  • Cargo size set to 32 cslots

DRAKKAR extensions:

Shields - increase ship health by 200
Lamp - adds a lamp + torches with light and warm effect and demister like wisps
Crates - increase blunt resistance + 200 health
Oars - increase ships speed based on amount of players
Anchor - adds an interactive element that let you drop the anchor and stop the ship in place
Tent - increase ship health by 200 and adds shelter buff while under it
Armor - increase resistance against Pierce damage + 200 health
Ropes - adds aditional rope ladders on side of the ship
Nameplate - add nameplate and ownerhsip information for the ship

Aditional change:

  • Cargo size set to 40 cslots

For All ships:

  • You can also change sail color to few options
  • You can change pattern on ship's shields free at any time.
  • Each ship upgraded that adds health also half of it adds as ship mass(it has minimal impact upon steering)


Other build pieces are standard build pieces that dont respond to water damage There are stylized as black core wood with rope detail

  • pole and beam 2m and 4m, 2m 45 and 27 degree beams, ramp(27 degree floor), floor and 1m pole,

Other elements are:

  • Tar fueled Sconce
  • Small cargo crate - 4 slot
  • Dock cargo chest - 40 slot
  • Small Dragon head standing decor
  • 2m high ladder (interactive upon click teleports you to the top of it)
  • 2 Green cloth banners
  • 4 green cloth roofs
  • 2 new rope ladders
  • 3 rope bridge parts
  • hanging wisp lamp
  • fishnet wall
  • fishnet Trap (interactive)

Items prefabID:

  • CapeSailor
  • CoalPaste
  • HelmetPirateBandana
  • HelmetPirateHat
  • SwordSaber
  • SledgeAnchor
  • ShieldSteering

Fishnet trap - > build on water . feed it fishing bait that is proper for the biome you build it to get higher chance to catch fish specyfic for the biome. If not it will catch basic fish every 2 minutes

As said mod does not have any config right now everything is setup and balanced pretty well :)


Update 1.1.1:
Fixed issue with Anchor - Levitating ships when water level drops

Update 1.1.2:
Fixed issue with Anchor error on Unity5 Changed parameters for Oars to fix issue with stearing the ship

Update 1.1.3: Upgrades cost is returned upon ship destruction. Exception not returned : Schematic item and extensions for changing Sail/Head decoration

Update 1.1.4:
4 new sails added for Bjornheim Server

Update 1.1.5:
Rebalancing all recipe cost based on feedback - most cases costs are decreased Shields and Tent increase health by 300 instead of 200 Crates Inventory extension for Drakkar now gives 2 rows instead of 1 Testing comfort setting for increased rested bonus on the ship while having lights

Update 1.1.6:
Fixing support for vulcan.

Update 1.1.7:
Fixed issue with upgrading ships - table dosent respond after the patch Fixed issue with random changes of ship inventory size

Update 1.1.8:
Fixed issue with Drakkar chest losing items upon zone out

Update 1.1.9:
Fixed issue with ERROR on first boat build chekcing for modifications

Update 1.2.1: Fixed issue with ERROR on extended inventory self clearing of items Swapped Sails for factions to more neutral All schematics now require Scribe Table lvl 1 Scribe Table extension was removed

Update 1.2.2:
reworked from scratch code for inventory upgrades. This should finally resolve issue of missing upgrade space or missing items in the inventory.

Update 1.2.3:
Hildir's patch fix

Update 1.2.5:

  • Changed the way system checks for upgrades aka less requests less traffic less memory usage
  • Fixed issue with blinking inventory
  • Fixed issue with sometimes puting items into diffrent inventory then the ship
  • Fixed issue with console spams of no extension found
  • Minor bugfixes on other upgrades

Update 1.2.6:

  • Hotfix

Update 1.3.0:

  • 2 new ships added -> Knarr , Holk
  • each of new ships has it own set of upgrades
  • inventory upgrades replaced with resistance and health
  • mapping prepared to change inventory upgrades already placed into resistance ones
  • changed inventory size of ships (Raft 4, Karve 8, Knarr 16, Drakkar 24, Holk 48)
  • reworked cost of ships
  • new active build piece FISHNET trap
  • DRAKKAR AND HOLK require FORGE instead of workbench
  • 13 new build pieces including bridge parts and tent roofs
  • code optimizations
  • reworked ship upgrade cost-> full upgrade cost is now moved to schematic thus it can be edited with WackyDB or other tool
  • shipyard table now has only 1 slot for schematic
  • upgraded ship will return schematics upon destruction
  • Added new items : Sail Ink (used to create upgrades for repainting sails) Bandana(new stylish head item) Pirate Hat (new nicer stylish head item) Anchor "Sledge Hammer" ( a stylish new weapon - mix of sledge/battleaxe/spear) Saber ( a stylish new weapon - mix of knife and sword) Steering Wheel Shield ( a stylish new shield) Sailors Cape (new cloak made of serpent scales giving resistance against poison) Coal Paste ( replaces tar in build piece recipes)
    Update 1.3.1:
  • Hotfix :
  • Fix Sail patterns mixed.
  • Fix Missing sail - error
  • Cleared debug content
  • Fix error on adding Armor to Karve
    Update 1.3.2:
  • Hotfix:
  • Fix schematic non returned on destroy
  • Fix FREE HOLK roof
  • minor clean up
    Update 1.3.3:
  • Minor bugfixes
    Update 1.3.3:
  • Fixed cost of Large tarred chest
  • Changed visuals on Drakkar replaced torches iwth lanterns
  • Added floating to schematic items so they wont sink
    Update 1.3.5:
  • Fixed Anchor on Holk despawning bug
  • Added more unique icons for all schematics
  • removed the Claim hvoer effect from mast now rpesent only on the sign (holk the back mast)
  • code optimizations
  • fixe yellow sail floating around
  • fixed pirate hat durability
    Update 1.3.6:
  • Camera issue with back lantern collision fix
  • removed colliders from lamps and shields fixing the issue with gettin stuck on it or issue with holding the mast
  • fixed missing collider on Holk
  • minor check and changes
    Update 1.3.7:
  • shader fix
    Update 1.3.8:
  • ashlands fix
    Update 1.3.9:
  • shader fix
    Update 1.4.0:
  • Upgrades for Drakkar FINALLY
  • Cargo size on ships rebalance IMPORTANT EMPTY YOUR SHIP BEFORE UPDATE OR YOU MAY LOSE ITEMS ! Cargo sizes are as follow : Raft 2, Karve 6, Knarr 12, Longship 24, Holk 32, Drakkar 40
  • New visual for Longship shields (Silver Shield)
  • Nameplate changed into optional upgrade disabled by default
  • Rebalance of recipe cost on mod items like Sailor's Cape and Saber
  • Item changes: coal Paste stack to 50 now , Sailor's cape no logner gives poison resistance now its wateproof, armor decreased to 1 per lvl and base, other slight changes to rest of items
  • New system added Shield Painter. After adding shield upgrade you will be able to chose a shield pattern and change them as you wish. The pattern response to item styles. Hover over the shields press E change and loop thru avaible styles.
    Update 1.4.0:
  • Fix bug on Knarr launching Barber code when sit on bench
    Update 1.4.5:
  • Collider hotfix on Drakkar tent
  • Drakkaar extension drop fix
  • Shield read access fix
  • Holk extension drop fix
  • code clearing
  • Karve front attach fix
    Update 1.4.6:
  • Drakkar Head Extension fix
  • Fishing Trap bugfixes
  • Holk and Karve creation bug on water impact
  • Holk shield painter fix
  • Reworked ship distance to shipayrd detection method
  • multiple small bugfixes

Update 1.4.7:

  • Wisp Lamps build piece changed cost fixed bug. it dosent require fuel anymore

Update 1.4.8:

  • Fix nameplate despawn bug
  • Fix Weapon Anchor and Saber errors

Update 1.4.9:

  • Revert change on table. all ships use only workbench

Update 1.5.1:

  • change boat settings for Holk
  • change boat settings for Knarr
  • fix item references and small errors
  • fix holk visual issue with to much water splashing
  • fix build pieces issue
  • KNOWN ISSUE PLEASE DO NOT USE FISHTRAP due to error that is right now being investigated

Update 1.5.2:

  • fix error on raft bagpack open

Planned updated:

  • add more upgrades to Drakkar and Holk
  • add new build piece
  • add new items
  • code clearing
  • rework the whoel station and scribe table into single piece


  • No there is no configs
  • No there is no translation files

Feedback apreciated.

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