
This mod aims to add a bit more variance and options to Jewelcrafting. Filling in a lot of the current natural gaps.

Finally, the goal of this is to have fun! One of the key pieces of that is feeling like you have options for the build you want, another is feeling like your choices matter that you can choose a skill type or build design and use that to your advantage. With this mod I hope to add a lot of basic elements to making a variety of new builds possible, and ideally, fun.

Got a bug to report or just want to chat about the mod? Drop by the discord or github.

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Adds 6 new gems and ~40 new effects.

Prefab List of added gems. These prefabs are all generated by Jewelcrafting and follow the same pattern for crystal evolutions

crystal name
Icon Gem Prefab
jade jade Uncut_jade_Stone
amber amber Uncut_amber_Stone
aquamarine aquamarine Uncut_aquamarine_Stone
garnet garnet Uncut_garnet_Stone
opal opal Uncut_opal_Stone
amethyst amethyst Uncut_amethyst_Stone


socket effect description
Necklace Coin Greed Enemies may drop coins.
Tool Add Chop Damage Adds woodcutting damage.
Shield Staggering Block Chance to stagger an enemy when blocking.
Weapon Add Slash Damage Adds slash damage to your attacks.
Magic Staves Add Slash Damage Adds slash damage to your attacks.
Chest Slash Resistance Reduces taken slash damage.
Legs Expert Acrobat Increases Jump skill.
Cloak Coin Hoarder Increase damage based on how many coins you carry.
Head Expert Daggers Increases knives skill.


socket effect description
Necklace Weapon Reducec Stamina Reduces stamina cost for attacking.
Tool Farmer Chance to get additional crops when harvesting.
Shield Block Reduce Stamina Reduces the stamina cost for blocking attacks.
Weapon Add Blunt Damage Adds blunt damage to your attack.
Magic Staves Add Blunt Damage Adds blunt damage to your attacks
Chest Expert Smasher Increases mace skill.
Legs Blunt Resistance Reduces taken blunt damage.
Cloak Expert Spear Maiden Increases spear skill.
Head Increase Stamina Regen Increases stamina regeneration rate.


socket effect description
Necklace Water Fenzey Increases damage when wet.
Tool Wet Worker Reduces usage stamina cost when wet.
Shield Freezing Guard Chance to apply frost damage on block.
Weapon Add Pierce Damage Adds pierce Damage.
Magic Staves Add Pierce Damage Adds pierce Damage.
Chest Pierce Resistance Reduces taken pierce Damage.
Legs Water Swiftness Increases run and jogging speed when wet.
Cloak Water Resistant prevent wetness for a period of time.
Head Expert Sprinter Increases run skill.


socket effect description
Necklace BurningFrenzey Increases damage when you are on fire.
Tool Add Pickaxe Damage Adds pickaxe damage.
Shield Burning Guard Chance to apply fire damage on block.
Weapon Inferno Chance to do massive fire damage.
Magic Staves Inferno Chance to do massive fire damage.
Chest Expert Axe Master Increases Axe skill.
Legs Fire Resistance Reduces taken fire damage.
Cloak Burning Viking Increases speed when burning.
Head Expert Mage Increases magic skills.


socket effect description
Necklace Reduce Weight Reduces the total weight of items in your inventory.
Tool Expert Harvester Increases woodcutting and Pickaxe skills.
Shield Retribution Chance to return a portion of blocked damage.
Weapon Add Lightning Damage Adds Lightning Damage.
Magic Staves Add Lightning Damage Adds Lightning Damage.
Chest Expert Polearms Increases polearms skill.
Legs Lightning Resistance Reduces taken lightning damage.
Cloak Cover Of Darkness Summons friendly bats when fighting.
Head Expert Fisher Increases fishing skill.


socket effect description
Necklace Increase Stamina Increases max stamina
Tool Eitr Fused Spend eitr to power up your damage
Shield Eitr Conversion Chance to restores Eitr when blocking.
Weapon Add Spirit Damage Adds spirit damage.
Magic Staves Add Spirit Damage Adds spirit damage.
Chest Expert Swordsman Increases swords skill.
Legs Expert Brawler Increases fists skill.
Cloak Poison Resistance Reduces taken poison damage.
Head Increase Eitr Increases max eitr.


Please note that not all synergies currently show up in the UI. The first two will, but anything past that will not be visible. They will still be counted, so you can determine when you have activated an additional synergy, and will work like normal.

Name Requirements Details
Combat Spirit opal > 3 & amethyst > 3 & opal = amethyst A wolf spirit joins you in combat for a short period, it respawns after a cooldown.
Intense Fire garnet > 6 You are more fire resistant and have a higher chance to trigger Inferno.
Weapon Master amber = 6 & jade = 6 Your skill with all weapons is increased.
Slippery When Wet aquamarine > 6 You are much faster when wet.
Waterproof aquamarine > 14 You do not get wet.
Spellsword amethyst > 8 & opal > 5 & amber > 2 Your attacks will use eitr to boost damage.


I welcome community translations! If you would like to improve an existing translation please reach out on discord. I provide an up-to-date English translation, others are approximations.

Translation overrides are also supported! Place an override file anywhere in the Bepinex directory. The override file must use the language and the modname. eg: EpicJewels.English.json. Existing translations can be found on github.


  • More testing & balancing
  • More VFX/embellishment for effects

Installation (manual)

Download, extract the contents and toss the folder and/or .dll into the /BepinEx/plugins folder.


  • My lack of sleep
  • Smoothbrain for the easy as hell Jewelcrafting API
  • OrianaVenture, Jotunn Modding community and others for always being helpful
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